Timothy Kramer
Timothy Kramer is a Principal Systems Engineer at Orbital ATK Armament Systems with more than a 17+ years practical experience dealing with and solving technical challenges. Developing a passion for systems engineering in the course of developing embedded soLware in the automotive industry, he spent time in the trenches doing data analysis and testing in the biomedical device field in Biomedical Alley and writing patent descriptions for top tech companies in Silicon Valley before finding his way to his current employer. In his time with Orbital ATK and its predecessor, Alliant Techsystems, he has worked on aerospace and defense projects ranging from NASA’s Orion Launch Abort System and Ares I rocket programs, multi-agency flight termination systems, hardware-in-the-loop facility design, numerous defense programs and internal IR&D in the capacity of soLware engineer, systems lead, cost account manager, test engineer, flight data analyst, and technical lead throughout the product lifecycle, including proposal, concept, development, qualification, transition to production, and product improvement. He serves as a site SME for multiple requirements and systems engineering tools and has supported various other activities including business development, design of experiments, failure analysis, reliability predictions, and safety engineering for energetics systems in challenging physical environments. As a top Kaizen submitter in his division, he is recognized by his peers as being process savvy while promoting the benefits of value-added systems engineering approaches in an increasingly complex development and manufacturing environment. Tim holds degrees in Computer Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and a Masters in Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics from the University of Minnesota and has been a CSEP since 2012 and enjoys time with his family spent traveling, kayaking, spelunking, and speculating about nuclear physics and humanity’s future in space.