Andrew Pickard
Associate Fellow, Rolls-Royce
Andrew Pickard joined Rolls-Royce in 1977 after completing a Ph.D. at Cambridge University in Fatigue and Fracture of Metals and Alloys. He is a Rolls-Royce Associate Fellow in System Engineering, a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, a Chartered Engineer and a member of SAE International and of INCOSE. He is Chair of the SAE Aerospace Council, represents Rolls-Royce on the INCOSE Corporate Advisory Board and is Chief of Staff for INCOSE.
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He has published one book on “The Application of 3-Dimensional Finite Element Methods to Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue Life Prediction” and over 50 papers and book chapters in the fields of Materials Behaviour, Fatigue Crack Growth, Fracture Mechanics and Systems Engineering.