GLRC2018 Registration Open. Click here to register Now!!;
The Chapters of the INCOSE Great Lakes Region invite you to participate in the 12th Annual International Council on System Engineering (INCOSE) Great Lakes Regional Conference (GLRC2018) at Indianapolis Marriott East, Indianapolis, Indiana. .

Canal Walk, downtown Indianapolis
GLRC2018 — Systems at the Crossroads
INCOSE Vision 2025 describes a landscape of opportunities, challenges, and evolving approaches to engineering the world of the future— a world of “systems”. Many of these issues represent “crossroads”, requiring conscious choices and action leading in new directions. “GLRC2018— Systems at the Crossroads” has been organized around a series of these crossroad issues, and provides opportunities for attendees to compare and advance their understandings and approaches to these important crossroad issues.
GLRC2018 will feature important topics from critical sectors such as aerospace, agriculture, biomedical & healthcare, defense, education, energy, environmental sciences, government, information, infrastructure, safety and security, space and transportation.
GLRC 2018 is for the entire Great Lakes community— not just INCOSE members and not just systems engineers. Our community is connected by our shared interest in the successful advance of systems vital to our regional and global prosperity.
GLRC2018 this year will feature an INCOSE SE Professional Development Day (SE PDD). The SE PDD will be a virtual extension of the conference, with the featured sessions broadcast from Indianapolis to several satellite sites on Friday the 19th of October. Last year several groups participated in the STEM demonstration. GLRC 2018 has great interest in engaging the local area youth and looks forward to sponsors also supporting the STEM activities. GLRC2018 looks forward to hosting the STEM demonstration during the conference banquet reception.
Explore the theme and the topics for GLRC2018 and invite yourself and other participants to register for GLRC2018 conference.

Indy500, Indianapolis
The GLRC2018 Planning Team is excited to open the GLRC2018 conference with an invitation to you and your constituents to visit the local attractions in Indianapolis and to come join us for an exciting time during this year’s theme- “Systems at the Crossroads”.
Download GLRC2018 Call for Participation Conference Flyer
Download GLRC2018 SE PDD Participation Flyer at a SE PDD site.
“Stay tuned, more to follow ...”
For questions and comments, please contact:
GLRC2018 Outreach Chair
Everett T. Lewis