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Wednesday Session Details

*Program subject to change

For Wednesday's schedule click here

Authors V4 Institute, Gary Fleegle, Doug Koeneman, William Schindel
Title Trusted Models, Collaborative Learning, Accelerated Capability
Session Type: Tutorial
Time: Wednesday, Noon-5:00 PM
Abstract Are you ready? The idea of a connected, transparent community focused on learning and accelerating the realization of new products and processes is not just for the future. It’s needed now in support of the “digital” transformation—not just for each enterprise, but for whole supply chains, regulators, and the life cycle management processes. With this transformation come unexpected complexities…in coordination, the digitization of systems involved in realization, security, and more importantly…how work is performed. Now, emerging systems challenges and opportunities are leading to a new wave of “virtual” (model-based) methods, high performance computing resources, technical disciplines, and standards. Computational and similar models, whether human-made or machine-learned, are increasingly being applied to the most critical issues of health and medicine, critical infrastructure systems, advanced manufacturing materials and processes, safety-critical systems, and socio-technical webs of interdependent systems and processes. For it to work, the new system and its models must demonstrate they are trustworthy, through “trust” standards developed in partnership with regulators to fully realize the value to industry and the community. The V4 Institute is an Indiana-based, private-led, public-private collaboration of member enterprises and institutions for the purpose of promoting collaboration, facilitating integration and establishing trust in the models and process needed in the digital transformation. The V4 Institute is now launching five public projects in this space, and invites participation of additional collaborators interested in joining the V4 Institute. Attendees at this half-day Institute will gain an awareness of the significance of these opportunities and challenges, V4i’s process and capabilities as a potential accelerator, and how related projects advance our common cause.

For questions and comments, please contact:
GLRC2018 Technical Program Chair
Chris Hoffman

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