Category and Subcategories | Income/ Expense | Description | ID | Responsible Board Member | Expense
| Income |
Awards | Expense | Science Fair 1 | 21 | Outreach | | |
Awards | Expense | Science Fair 2 | 22 | Outreach | | |
Awards | Expense | Past President Pin | 19 | Past President | | |
Awards | Expense | Volunteer Awards (for Chapter, Board Service) | 20 | President | | |
Books | Expense | Books for Chapter Meeting Raffle | 24 | Programs | | |
Capital Expenditures (7 year amortization) | Expense | Capital Expenses | | Treasurer | | |
Donation Expense | Expense | INCOSE Foundation Contribution | 26 | President | | |
Donation Expense | Expense | Engineering Society of Employee Holiday Awards | 29 | Treasurer | | |
Donation Expense | Expense | Donation to Professional Society 1 | 30 | Treasurer | | |
Donation Income | Income | Corporate Advertising Donation Support (Web Site, Newsletters, etc.) | 2 | President | | |
Donation Income | Income | Individual Donations | 3 | President | | |
Donation Income | Income | Sub-committee Carry-Over from 2015 Budget | | Sub-Committee | | |
Donation Income | Income | Sub-committee Corporate Donations (Small & Large) | | Sub-Committee | | |
Dues Expense | Expense | Engineering Society of Baltimore | | Past President | | |
Dues Income | Income | INCOSE Dues Shares | 1 | Membership | | |
Event Expense/ | Expense | Special Event 2 Dinner Meals | 39 | Programs | | |
Event Expense/ Awards Dinner-December | Expense | Special Event 1 Dinner Meals | 34 | Programs | | |
Event Expense/ Awards Dinner-December | Expense | Holiday Dinner Gift Baskets & Supplies | 36 | Programs | | |
Event Expense/ Awards Dinner-December | Expense | Event 1 Photographs (Professional Photographer) | 37 | Programs | | |
Event Expense/ Special Event 2 | Expense | Event 2 Photographs (Professional Photographer) | 38 | Programs | | |
Event Expense/ Training | Expense | Tutorial-Workshop Meals | 32 | Programs | | |
Event Expense/ Training | Expense | Tutorial-Workshop | 33 | Programs | | |
Event Income / Awards Dinner Silent Auction | Income | Special STEM Event | | Programs | | |
Event Income / Training | Income | Training Session | | Programs | | |
Event Income/ Awards Dinner | Income | Awards Celebration Dinner Tickets | 11 | Programs | | |
Event Income/ Special Event 1 | Income | Special Event 1 Dinner | 12 | Programs | | |
Event Income/Sub-Committee | Income | Sub-Committee Ticket Sales | | Sub-Committee | | |
Fees | Expense | Special Event 1 PayPal Fees | 41 | Programs | | |
Fees | Expense | Award Celebration PayPal Fees | 42 | Programs | | |
Fees | Expense | Tutorial, Workshop PayPal Fees | 43 | Programs | | |
Fees | Expense | Pay Pal Use Fees | 40 | Treasurer | | |
Interest Income | Income | Interest Income | 13 | Treasurer | | |
Meeting Expense | Expense | Student Dinners | | Membership | | |
Meeting Expenses | Expense | Dinners for Chapter Meetings | 46 | Programs | | |
Meeting Income | Income | Dinner Meetings | 14 | Programs | | |
Meeting Income | Income | Sub-Committee Lunches @ Meetings | | Sub-Committee | | |
Merchandise Expense | Expense | Coffee Mugs | | Programs | | |
Merchandise Income | Income | Challenge Coins | 16 | Programs | | |
Merchandise Income | Income | Coffee Mugs | 15 | Programs | | |
Miscellaneous, Bus | Expense | Discretionary -Funds | | Communications | | |
Miscellaneous, Bus | Expense | Discretionary Funds (Membership Drives, etc..) | | Membership | | |
Miscellaneous, Bus | Expense | Discretionary Funds | | President | | |
Miscellaneous, Bus | Expense | Discretionary Funds | 50 | President-Elect | | |
Miscellaneous, Bus | Expense | Discretionary Funds | | Programs | | |
Miscellaneous, Bus | Expense | Discretionary Funds | | Secretary | | |
Miscellaneous, Bus | Expense | Discretionary Funds | 51 | Treasurer | | |
Postage and Delivery | Expense | Postage | 55 | Communications | | |
Postage and Delivery | Expense | Special Event 1 Invitations Postage | 54 | Programs | | |
Postage and Delivery | Expense | Postage | 53 | Secretary | | |
Postage and Delivery | Expense | PO Box Rental | 63 | Secretary | | |
Postage and Delivery | Expense | Postage and Delivery | 52 | Treasurer | | |
Printing and Reproduction | Expense | Trifold (Printing Costs) | 58 | Communications | | |
Printing and Reproduction | Expense | Printing & Supplies for Tutorials, Workshop | 56 | Programs | | |
Printing and Reproduction | Expense | Sub-committee expenses (posters, etc) | 57 | Sub-Committee | | |
Printing and Reproduction | Expense | Business Cards | | Sub-Committee | | |
Printing and Reproduction | Expense | Sub-Committee Signage | | Sub-Committee | | |
Printing and Reproduction | Expense | Sub-Committee Name Tags | | Sub-Committee | | |
Publicity Expense | Expense | Advertising, Publicity | 59 | Membership | | |
Publicity Expense | Expense | Local Regional Conference Sponsorship/Table | 62 | Membership | | |
Repairs | Expense | Hourly Web Site Maintenance and Repair | | Communications | | |
SIG Meetings | Expense | Sub-Committee INCOSE CC Lunch Meeting Meals | 64 | Sub-Committee | | |
SIG Meetings | Expense | Sub-Committee Intern/Speaker Event | 65 | Sub-Committee | | |
SIG Meetings | Expense | Sub-Committee Outreach Activity | | Sub-Committee | | |
SIG Meetings | Expense | Sub-Committee-STEM 1 Outreach | 66 | Sub-Committee | | |
SIG Meetings | Expense | Sub-Committee STEM 2 Outreach Activities | | Sub-Committee | | |
Sponsor Donations | Income | Special Event 1 Program Sponsor | | Programs | | |
Sponsor Donations | Income | Special Event 1 Appetizer Sponsor | | Programs | | |
Sponsor Donations | Income | Special Event 1 Name Tag Sponsor | | Programs | | |
Sponsor Donations | Income | Special Event 1 Cocktail Hour Sponsor | | Programs | | |
Sponsor Donations | Income | Awards Celebration Program Sponsor | | Programs | | |
Sponsor Donations | Income | Awards Celebration Appetizer Sponsor | | Programs | | |
Sponsor Donations | Income | Awards Celebration Name Tag Sponsor | | Programs | | |
Sponsor Donations | Income | Awards Celebration Cocktail Hour Sponsor | | Programs | | |
Storage Unit & Insurance | Expense | Storage Unit & Insurance | | President | | |
Subscriptions Expense | Expense | Basecamp Collaboration Software | | Communications | | |
Subscriptions Expense | Expense | Event Espresso Subscription | 44 | Communications | | |
Subscriptions Expense | Expense | Constant Contact Subscription | 60 | Communications | | |
Subscriptions Expense | Expense | Software Upgrades to Current Levels | | Communications | | |
Subscriptions Expense | Expense | Domain Name Registration Fee | 67 | Communications | | |
Subscriptions Expense | Expense | Website Hosting | 68 | Communications | | |
Subscriptions Expense | Expense | Chapter File Storage (Google) | 69 | Communications | | |
Subscriptions Expense | Expense | Website Maintenance | 70 | Communications | | |
Supplies | Expense | Mailing Tubes & Address Labels | 79 | Communications | | |
Supplies | Expense | Business Cards | | Corporate Relations | | |
Supplies | Expense | Special Event 1 Invitations, favors, programs and Other Supplies | 74 | Programs | | |
Supplies | Expense | Special Event 1 Certificate for Speakers | 75 | Programs | | |
Supplies | Expense | Special Event 1 Awards | 76 | Programs | | |
Supplies | Expense | Special Event 1 Name Badges, Name Tents | 77 | Programs | | |
Supplies | Expense | Supplies | 73 | Secretary | | |
Supplies | Expense | Table Cover for Meetings and Events | | Secretary | | |
Supplies | Expense | Supplies | 71 | Treasurer | | |
Example of Chapter Audit Report (this should be performed annually):
Purpose: An active chapter is continuously recruiting new members and striving to provide relevant information and activities to retain members. Specifically INCOSE has established an objective of doubling membership within five years.
Description: Membership activities should follow the Recruiting/Retention plans documented in the Chapter Plan. There are several proven membership activities. A good starting point is to develop and distribute a chapter recruiting package at chapter activities where prospective members are present. This should contain general materials about INCOSE (available at no charge from INCOSE central office, see below), and also specific information about the local chapter, such as a tri-fold brochure. Member retention/renewal activities include reminders, personal contact and feedback from those not renewing (such as by a survey). Another effective way to build member commitment and loyalty is to survey chapter members as an input to setting chapter direction and provide feedback to INCOSE central, both to better meet member interests. Using the newsletter or website, new members can be introduced to the general membership.
Membership also extends to enlisting Corporate Advisory Board members, both at the International CAB level, as well as local CAB members such as is currently often done in Europe. Once CAB members are present in the local chapter area, it is a good opportunity to work actively together to explore ways to mutually assist one another.
If there are schools with engineering programs nearby, starting / supporting an INCOSE student division for your chapter helps promote interest in and knowledge of systems engineering.
For Chapter Leaders ONLY: There are free promotional items available from the INCOSE Store to support new member recruitment. These include: Post It Note Pads, Bookmarks, Pens, and Brochures.
Go to this link for the order form and to order other technical publications free of charge to members from INCOSE.
Additional information relating to membership recruitment and corporate outreach is locatedhere.
Examples of a Membership Plans (can be stand-alone or an Appendix to an Operating Plan):
Examples of marketing strategies for chapters. (NOTE: ADD MARCOM here)
Purpose: An active chapter is continuously recruiting new members and striving to provide relevant information and activities to retain members. Specifically INCOSE has established an objective of doubling membership within five years.
Description: Membership activities should follow the Recruiting/Retention plans documented in the Chapter Plan. There are several proven membership activities. A good starting point is to develop and distribute a chapter recruiting package at chapter activities where prospective members are present. This should contain general materials about INCOSE (available at no charge from INCOSE central office, see below), and also specific information about the local chapter, such as a tri-fold brochure. Member retention/renewal activities include reminders, personal contact and feedback from those not renewing (such as by a survey). Another effective way to build member commitment and loyalty is to survey chapter members as an input to setting chapter direction and provide feedback to INCOSE central, both to better meet member interests. Using the newsletter or website, new members can be introduced to the general membership.
Membership also extends to enlisting Corporate Advisory Board members, both at the International CAB level, as well as local CAB members such as is currently often done in Europe. Once CAB members are present in the local chapter area, it is a good opportunity to work actively together to explore ways to mutually assist one another.
If there are schools with engineering programs nearby, starting / supporting an INCOSE student division for your chapter helps promote interest in and knowledge of systems engineering.
For Chapter Leaders ONLY: There are free promotional items available from the INCOSE Store to support new member recruitment. These include: Post It Note Pads, Bookmarks, Pens, and Brochures.
Go to this link for the order form and to order other technical publications free of charge to members from INCOSE.
Additional information relating to membership recruitment and corporate outreach is locatedhere.
Examples of a Membership Plans (can be stand-alone or an Appendix to an Operating Plan):