Huntsville Regional Chapter


Welcome to the Huntsville Chapter

The INCOSE - Huntsville Regional Chapter (HRC) serves the systems engineering community located Huntsville, Alabama, and the Tennessee Valley region. 

Monthly chapter meetings are held on the third Thursday of most months.  Registering in advance is preferable for the hybrid meetings which are held in-person at the Auburn University Research and Innovation Campus (AURIC) facility 345 Voyager Way NW, Huntsville, AL 35806 and online using Zoom.

Our LinkedIn Group is here: INCOSE Huntsville LinkedIn Group (click me!)

Chapter Events

No Monthly Chapter Meeting for June 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024

To be announced


Meeting Information

Auburn University Research and Innovation Campus (AURIC)
345 Voyager Way NW
Huntsville, AL 35806

Directions to AURIC


Onsite & Virtual Meeting Registration

Event Registration

INCOSE LA: The Tensions and Opportunities Between the Disciplines of PM and SE

El Segundo, CA, USA,

INCOSE HSI Conference 2024 - Jeju, Korea

Jeju, Korea

SWISSED24 – Building Bridges

Zurich, Switzerland

Sector III Speaker Program: Into the Great Digital Unknown: MBSE & DE

2024 Annual INCOSE Western States Regional Conference (WSRC)

Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

SESA Systems Engineering Test and Evaluation (SETE) Conference 2024

East Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Chapter News

NSC to Provide Live-streaming Chapter Meetings

Agile SE tutorial/workshop - Save the Date

INCOSE UK Launches an Early Careers Forum

Find out more by visiting the  HUNTSVILLE VIVA ENGAGE  community today!
Contact Us