Library And Resources

May 2022 General Membership Presentation Available for Download 

 As a courtesy to our SMC members that were not able to attend here is the presentation "Future-Proofing Your Systems Engineering Skills" by Rick Hefner, PhD.  

INCOSE Seattle Metropolitan Chapter (SMC) Newsletter

 Our Q4 Newsletter of 2021 is out, please read our latest news and information about upcoming chapter events.  

INCOSE Seattle Metropolitan Chapter (SMC) Newsletter

 Our Q3 Newsletter of 2021 is out, please read our latest news and information about upcoming chapter events.  

INCOSE Seattle Metropolitan Chapter (SMC) Brochure:

 Please find our latest Seattle Metro Brochure 2021 attached.  
794 KB

Dear INCOSE Seattle Metropolitan Chapter (SMC) members:

 Please find our First Newsletter of 2018 attached. There is updates about upcoming events and news about our chapter. 
 Thank you again for your participation and all the work you do to promote Systems Engineering locally and globally!
277 KB
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