Automotive Working Group

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Working Group Purpose & Mission


To promote the application and advance the practice of Systems Engineering in the automotive industry, encompassing OEMs, suppliers and service providers in the private, commercial and industrial vehicle sectors.

Emphasis is put on the current needs and future challenges of the industry, covering issues related to product development (complexity, safety and security, diversity, reuse) as well as to business and organizational aspects (new business models, new services and smart or multimodal transportation systems).


Application Domains

TechOps Domain






Gary Rushton (General Motors)

Alain Dauron (Renault)


From a global perspective, the Automotive Working Group addresses the challenges faced by the actors of the industry when trying to implement SE or improve their application of SE. Preliminary work conducted by the Automotive Interest Group identified a series of topics covering a large spectrum of automotive concerns. These topics were grouped into generic SE themes: organizational, SE processes, MBSE, architecture frameworks, safety and security, links with specialty domains and systems of systems. Since becoming the Automotive Working Group, several common areas of interest were identified: Requirements Development, System Complexity, MBSE, Function Safety, Cyber Security, and Product Line Engineering. In addition, several areas of collaboration were agreed to: Requirements Management and Development processes, MBSE methods, Tools interactions, SE Skills, University Curriculum and standards.

The products of the working group (deliverables, events, etc.) target the needs of the whole automotive industry supply chain, comprising the private, commercial and industrial vehicles sectors. They are intended to be valuable, useful products for both beginners and established SE practitioners.



  • To broaden and improve the application of Systems Engineering to the vehicle development process by tailoring standard SE processes and known best practices to the needs and specificities of the industry.
  • To build a common, shared Systems Engineering expertise and body of knowledge for their application by actors across the automotive industry.


  • To provide value-added services to our members through the production of quality deliverables, the organization of quality events and efficient administration of the group.
  • To grow the number of members of the group up to a level of self-sustainment an increase the diversity of the leadership team by:
    • Performing outreach actions
    • Helping members learn from each other and from the experience of INCOSE experts
    • Making sure that the needs of the members are covered by activity plans and are taken into account by INCOSE.
  • To support INCOSE's strategy to establish collaborations and partnerships with professional associations by initiating connections between the group and the different associations of the automotive industry.


Deliverables and associated action plans of the group can stem from the list of topics defined and maintained by the group, or pop-up as new proposals from several group members, or from INCOSE. Some of these topics can be the object of roundtables, panels, webinars or specific working meetings to be programmed during the international workshop or symposium, or sometimes regional events, sometimes with other international associations (SAE, IEEE, Autosar, ...). Here are several actions and outputs :

  • Automotive SE Vision 2025 (INCOSE store here)
  • SE Application in Automotive sector, inside INCOSE SE Handbook v5 (INCOSE store here, in Chapter 4.4)
  • OMG (Object Management Group) UML Profile for safety and reliability analysis
  • SAE WCX 2018 : Designing with a Systems Engineering Approach (Roundtable)
  • Fostering of Domain Specific Reference Architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems (common work with Transportation, Infrastructure, System of Systems Working Groups, for instance during EMEA WS in 2019)
  • MBSE "models in the supply chain" (State machines interoperability, Modularity, SysMLv2, ...: Capstone project with George Mason University : see : video and IS21 paper)
  • INCOSE and AWG presentation in 13th AUTOSAR OPEN CONFERENCE (May 2022)
  • Recent subgroup about Systems Engineering, Safety and Cyber Security : deliveries to come

IS24: International Symposium at Dublin 

Two planned meetings (see IS24 program): 

  • Short general meeting on Wednesday 3rd
  • Technical meeting on Friday 5th :
    • Information about ongoing and new technical workstreams in WG
    • IW25 : Preliminaries ideas, discussion, next steps


5 decided new workstreams end of May

(Some still need short titles :-) !)

  • “SOA” (Service Oriented Architecture) : Impacts on System architecture ? limits (safety, realtime) ? Impact on System-Software Interface ?
  • SE4SDV : Software Defined Vehicle : “Beyond the claim”: Risks, opportunities, good practices, review other “SDx” in other industries, ...
  • « Tuning » / calibration (activities, teams, parameters, …):  in-between Sys & Soft, Design & V&V, … is not standard in SE : let's explain and collect risks & good practices
  • Build / refine Automotive stories @ System-Software Interface
  • SE and SoSE challenged to support sustainability plans in mobility : a follow-up of April23 EMEA-WSEC


IW24: International Workshop (Jan 2024)

Main Takeaways

We had 2 productive hybrid meetings :

2024 program:

  • Follow-up of the SE, Safety and Cybersecurity Interface established sub-group activities: 2 main orientations: Standards Mapping and STPA, 5 themes for 2024 : 
    • Standards Vocabulary Mapping
    • Standards Process Mapping
    • STPA guidewords for feedback paths
    • Modelling STPA for cybersecurity
    • Federated model
    • Knowledge sharing
  • Build a list of candidate topics then consult AWG members to detect volunteers and start the staffed topics. Here is the list we discussed :
    • Transfer of Information between OEMs and Suppliers
    • ADAS Primer (Systems Engineering Methodology)
    • What if standards push something similar to an “Automotive functional ATA” ?
    • "Automotive reading of INCOSE Vision35", what follow-up ? (add-on ?...)
    • SE and SoSE challenged to support (EU’s) sustainability plans in mobility : a follow-up of April23 EMEA-WSEC ?
    • Several Systems and Software Interfaces topics (see below)
  • Follow-up of our promising meeting with SaSIWG. Shared sub-group, picking one (more?) topic out of :
    • Build / refine Automotive stories @ System-Software Interface
    • « Software Defined Vehicle » : “Beyond the claim”: Risks, good practices, other “SDx” in other industries, ... 
    • « Tuning » / calibration (activities, teams, parameters, …):  in-between Sys & Soft, Design & V&V, …
    • “SOA” (Service Oriented Architecture) : Impacts on System architecture ? limits (safety, realtime) ?
    • Many software teams (OEM, Tier1s, OEM-IS/IT, Partners-IS/IT, …) for a single modern automotive feature ! => risks, good practices, …


  • Prepare Spain IW25 : opportunity for AWG growth in Europe,
  • Call for volunteers to reinforce leadership roles,
  • ... and many other contacts, exchanges, proposals



Planned Activities 

Twofold actions plan :

  • The SE, Safety, Cyber-security Integration (SESCI) subgroup has developed a plan for 2024:
    • Standards Mapping (Vocabulary & Process)
    • STPA (guidewords for feedback paths, modeling for Cyber-security)
    • overall federated model, and knowledge sharing
  • We will finalize, during IW24, a list of "options" with several topics, some discussed during our periodic meetings, but not started, others only suggested by one member. Potential 2024 subgroups include: OEM-Tier1 interface, an ADAS methodology Primer, etc. We will discuss and decide during IW2024 and plan our activities for 2024.

Planned Work Products

See Planned Activities area

  • To be refined for SESCI 2024 actions (updated mappings of vocabulary, of activities, ...,)
  • To be updated after second part of action plan is clarified


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