Smart Cities Initiative

A new publication from the INCOSE Smart Cities Initiative

Smart Cities Initiative

As the world is unevenly waking up after a pandemic coma, cities are seeking opportunities to improve the quality of life, efficiency of city services and overall economic resiliency by enabling their transformation towards being ‘smart.’ Given the exponential change that the wave of the Industry 4.0 technologies brings, national and local governments are investing in roadmaps to manage the transformation of cities into “smart cities.” Since technology is a fast-changing variable, it is understandable that governments are focusing on technological roadmaps and digital engineering strategies to address the capability gaps through technological solutions. The implementation of such 
strategies across the wide range of city services, ultimately will define the “smart city.” 

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We propose a human-centric model to help city authorities to make decisions with human needs in mind. Such a human-centric model will help identify and classify technological investments with the greatest positive impact for their residents. This presentation will introduce this human-centric model, the INCOSE-TUS Smart Cities Reference Model.

About the Authors

Jennifer Russell, EISE, CSEP is the Chair of the INCOSE Smart Cities initiative and has dedicated her professional career to public infrastructure. The domains of her experience demonstrate the portability of her skill set and include water systems, software systems, high-speed rail, transit systems, highway systems, and multi-modal connectivity.   
Jargalsaikhan Dugar is a social entrepreneur active in Asia. He founded a tailored unified system model concept based on systemized cognitive tools and applied it successfully to address some practical problems faced by organizations and facilitate digital transformation.
Bayartsengel B is CEO of TUS Solution, a company specializing in management and software services rooted in system engineering principles. He's also an active researcher of "Young Researchers Supporting foundation" that employs system engineering approaches to address pressing societal challenges in Mongolia. 
Jon W. Mooney PE, is a consultant with a background in aerospace who currently provides acoustics, vibration and systems engineering services for projects within the built environment sector. Jon is actively involved in professional organizations INCOSE, INCE, ASA and AIAA, and also serves as an associate editor, advisor, and technical book reviewer for various publications. 
Marcel van de Ven is a Co-Chair of the INCOSE Smart Cities initiative and Infrastructure Working Group.  His experience includes major transportation projects, tunneling systems, and complex buildings.  He is responsible for implementing Systems Engineering in the department of Buildings Technology at Heijmans N.V. 
Dale Brown is a licensed professional engineer with 40+ years of experience and multiple design patents.  Dale is co-chair of the INCOSE Transportation Working Group and Configuration Management Working Group.  Dale is also the relationship manager for the APTA/INCOSE cooperative agreement and is the technical lead / project manager for the proposed APTA Systems Lifecycle Engineering Standard currently under development.  Dale is the current Chair of the APTA Systems Lifecycle Engineering (SLE) Subcommittee. 
Rael Kopace is a is a Co-Chair of the INCOSE Smart Cities initiative and a systems engineering professional (CSEP) with experience across multiple industries: healthcare, aerospace/defense, autonomous vehicle and management consulting. He is interested in promoting and applying systems engineering best practices centered around the model-based approach in the domain of Smart Cities as essential for building a sustainable and evolutionary ecosystem. 

Press Release

SAN DIEGO (September 2023) – The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is pleased to announce the launch of the “Smart Cities Initiative” publication. The INCOSE Smart Cities Initiative has developed the INCOSE Tailored Unified System Framework (TUS) of a Smart City (which is outlined in this document) with the aim of helping city authorities to make decisions with the human needs in mind as well as the opportunities offered by advancing technologies.

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