Spring Tutorial: Emotional Intelligence: Key to Career and Life Success

St Paul , USA
Century College, 3300 Century Ave N, East Campus

PresenterJill Hauwille

Why is everyone talking about emotional intelligence lately? Join us for an interactive discussion of emotional intelligence in our work and personal lives.  We will explore 15 competencies that have been researched, measured, and scientifically correlated to personal and professional success.  We will also look at the skills, talents, and challenges often attributed to healthy leaders. Participants will self-assess the 15 competencies and explore approaches, tools, resources, and best practices in leveraging strengths and developing areas for improvement.  Attendees will leave the session with new knowledge, insights, awareness, and confidence in their ability to not only understand but develop emotional intelligence in themselves and others, including diverse, multi-generational teams.


Learning Outcomes: 
1. Define emotional intelligence (EQ)
2. Identify EQ areas of strength to leverage
3. Discuss EQ improvement areas and resources for personal growth

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