Press Release: INCOSE Releases its Impact Statement
Mar 21, 2023, 14:32 PM
Danielle DeRoche
Press Release: Impact Statement
SAN DIEGO (21 March 2023) – The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) has released the 2023 Impact Statement which highlights the continued growth of the organization not only in terms of Individual and Corporate members but also in terms of global presence.

Highlights from the Impact Statement include:
- Launching FuSE, the Future of Systems Engineering, to realize the Systems Engineering Vision 2035.
- The launching of future products including:
- The Professional Development Portal (PDP).
- The Systems Engineering Heuristics Webpage
- The launch of a range of new publications including:
- Letter to my Younger Self: How Systems Engineering Changed My Life
- Natural Systems Primer
- The launch of ‘Calling All Systems’, a platform of awareness about Systems Engineering, made up of a series of panel discussions presented and hosted by INCOSE: bringing thought leaders together from around the globe.
- The continued growth of Individual membership, certified members and Corporate Members.
- Setting the goals for Volunteerism, New Membership Engagement, Mentoring, SySTEAM and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion within INCOSE.
- Updates on the growth and development of Technical Leadership Institute, Corporate Advisory Board, Certification, Chapters, Working Groups, and the INCOSE Foundation.
Marilee Wheaton, INCOSE President and Fellow, said “I am delighted to see the publication of the 2nd Impact Statement during my time as the INCOSE President, I am continually amazed by the dedication of our volunteers and work they are doing to further the discipline of Systems Engineering. I hope seeing all the accomplishments and activities identified in the Impact Statement, provides a proud sense of team achievement and I know this progress will continue throughout the year.”
The Impact Statement can be accessed on the INCOSE website here:
INCOSE Media Contact:
Honor Lind, Director for Marketing and Communications, [email protected]