Monica Jordan, Database Administrator

- Monica's Favorite System

Monica Jordan joins the INCOSE team with over 20 years in the association database management space. Working with various associations and technology platforms has diversified the skills that she brings to the table. The experience that she has not only includes association management systems (AMS) knowledge but also event registration, membership management, award facilitation and committee management. Monica has also participated at a user conference, sitting on an expert panel to discuss committee management and data integrity.

Data integrity is the foundation from which all of Monica’s key principles are formed. If the data is not correct, it cannot be relied upon for other functions. If it is not relied upon, it has no integrity. Staff will discover that having a strong set of rules and structure for how INCOSE manages its data is the key to successful processes and promotes a positive image throughout the organization.

Monica Jordan has also worn other hats including Data Protection Officer. She was the GDPR representative for a former employee – recognizing that international policies must be enforced in order to prevent liability for the association while also protecting the data of the users whose data is within the AMS. Monica is a wife and mother of two daughters, Ronnita and Zyla. She is also a soprano with the church choir and voluntarily works in the office at the church with numerous administrative responsibilities.


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