What is INCOSE Certification's relationship with SEZERT?
Nov 19, 2021
Courtney Wright
INCOSE's German chapter, Gesellschaft für Systems Engineering (GfSE), developed the SE-ZERT Certification. SE-ZERT has three levels, each of which roughly corresponds to a level of INCOSE's Certification Program.
Individuals who earn an SE-ZERT Level C Certification from GfSE may apply for INCOSE ASEP certification without having to retake the INCOSE knowledge exam. They will have to meet the other requirements for ASEP, being individual members of INCOSE and paying the ASEP application fee.
Individuals who earn an SE-ZERT Level B Certification from GfSE may apply for INCOSE CSEP certification without having to retake the INCOSE knowledge exam or submit education, experience or reference materials. They will have to meet the administrative requirements for CSEP, being individual members of INCOSE and paying the CSEP application fee.
Once they become ASEPs or CSEPs, all individuals will have to renew their certification through standard methods.
The relationship between INCOSE's Certification Program and SEZERT extends back to 2013, when it was INCOSE's first equivalency.