Sheryl Gunn wrote this poem about her experience preparing for the INCOSE knowledge exam. I hope if brings as much joy to you as it did to me.
'Twas the night before CSEP when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even her spouse.
Her study materials were laid out with great care,
One last look in the morning would help her to fare.
The dawn of that day had come soon enough,
For one thing was certain, the test would be tough.
Visions of context diagrams danced through her head,
Wishing a few times she’d just stayed in bed!
With excitement and panic, she entered the room,
With thoughts of stray tenets like “from womb to tomb”.
When the questions were answered, she must wait to know...
The result of her test, a go or no-go.
When the word finally came, she gave out a sigh,
She shouted “I PASSED”… no need to be shy!
The certificate hung on her wall to proclaim,
Yet two things are missing, a mat and a frame.
‘Tis the end of this tale. Hope I’ve told it just right.
Happy CSEP to all and to all a good night!