2006 INCOSE Systems Engineering and Architecting Doctoral Student Network (SEANET) Workshop
Los Angeles , USA
University of Southern California
INCOSE wishes to foster and accelerate doctoral research in the field of systems engineering, and one means to do this is by connecting student researchers through a network.
INCOSE wishes to foster and accelerate doctoral research in the field of systems engineering, and one means to do this is by connecting student researchers through a network. The purpose of SEANET is to advance systems engineering research by providing a collegial support network, research resources, and industry contacts that will enable the completion of doctoral dissertations related to systems engineering.
The 2006 INCOSE SEANET Workshop will feature speakers, panel sessions, and working sessions targeted for the various phases of the student’s doctoral work. Current and soon-to-begin doctoral students are invited to participate in this one day event which will precede the Conference on Systems Engineering Research.
For more information on the 2006 SEANET Workshop, see the call for participation. **Application deadline extended to February 17th** SEANET is also seeking sponsors for this event who are interested in fostering doctoral research and/or have an interest in the employment of doctoral graduates.
For more information on the 2006 Conference on Systems Engineering Research, please visit the CSER conference website.