INCOSE Seattle Metro: Lifecycle roles of AI in Systems of Systems

October General Membership Meeting - Lifecycle roles of AI in Systems of Systems (In-Person and Virtual Event)

09 October 2024 at 6:00-8:00 PM Pacific Standard Time (US)

To join the meeting follow the zoom link at:
Meeting ID: 763 420 2754
Passcode: 779301

Dear Members, Friends, & Colleagues, please join us for our In-Person and Virtual meeting:

John Palmer's Bio: John Palmer has over 40 years learning about the design, analysis, verification, and operation of complex systems, worked at the levels of detailed HW/SW integration in high integrity avionics, through global communication systems of systems. John’s experience includes manned spacecraft, communication and remote sensing satellites, commercial aircraft flight control and systems integration, and mobile satellite communication. As a Senior Technical Fellow of The Boeing Company, John is sought for consulting and execution of critical engineering challenges across business units. John’s responsibilities include improving system engineering practices, and planning for long range implications of disruptive technology.

Abstract: For decades, we have anticipated the advance of artificial intelligence – such days are increasingly among us. Questions about their capabilities and use face many of us every day, not least among developers of complex systems and systems of systems. Like most tools, we are looking for the right tools for the job. While tempting from lay considerations, AI might not be the hammer needed to nail all things together. This talk concerns the balancing act that characterizes systems engineering – the best value determination to address the mission in hand. Can AI help with this? Our natural reaction as engineers might be to say yes of course, but that answer leaves much unanswered as to how we establish bounds of applicability. That determination, like other systems engineering questions, depends on the nature of the problem, expressed in the full set of functional performance, constraints, environmental and suitability factors. On the edges of such assessments, we have systems of systems situations demanding exceptional confidence that the mission will be satisfied, such as to safely transport people and goods from here to there, or to ensure a missile defense can intercept a target. I shorthand this need in terms of high integrity, which manifests in terms such as safety, quality, and operational availability. So how do we know? What problems are amenable and what tools are suitable? Like the systems themselves, the tools we apply have characteristics we must align to necessary capabilities. For high integrity applications, it is critical that we do not overreach the AI capability to provide high confidence inputs. This talk will expand on such criteria and how they change with time.

Agenda: Wednesday, October 9, 2024
6:00 -- 6:05 Virtual meeting Log-in
6:05 -- 6:30 Chapter Business
6:30 -- 7:30 Lifecycle roles of AI in Systems of Systems
7:30 -- 8:00 Q&A / Open Discussion In-Person Meeting: Cascadia Pizza, Bellevue, 1820 130th Ave NE Suite 2, Bellevue, WA 98005

To join the meeting follow the zoom link at: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 763 420 2754 Passcode: 779301 Find your local number: 

Free for everyone (members and non-members). Please RSVP by contacting Kyle Zienin – [email protected] in case we have updated announcements to make.

NOTE: To take full advantage of the time allotted for networking, please be on time for introductions and announcements. 

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