2024 INCOSE Western States Regional Conference





Registration is open! Hurry!

An INCOSE account is required to register; here's instructions for creating a free non-member account.

Note: Refunds are available up through Sept. 8, 2024 minus a $50 cancellation fee.

Welcome to the seventh annual Western States Regional Conference (WSRC)

Hosted by the Enchantment Chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE).

September 19 - 21, 2024
Central New Mexico Workforce Training Center
5600 Eagle Rock Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113 (map)


The WSRC is a 3-day event showcasing presentations, keynotes, tutorials, and tours all focusing on topics related to systems engineering. The WSRC is not just for INCOSE members or systems engineers. It's an opportunity for project managers, educators, technology professionals, and others who have a 'systems thinking' mindset to share with one another about how to apply systems approaches to solve challenging problems. You can even take your INCOSE System Engineering Professional (SEP) Certification Exam during the event! Please join us!

The WSRC 2024 technical program as of 18 September 2024 is now available, click here.
See the detailed list of presentations and tutorials in the technical program as of 27 August 2024 here.



Event Information

WSRC 2024 Theme

Building a more secure world through systems engineering 
Live, In-Person and Hybrid Event
On site: Central New Mexico Workforce Training Center
5600 Eagle Rock Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113

Systems Engineering plays an even more crucial role in the challenges presented by a tightly integrated, information-rich and politically-charged world. This year we recognize the importance of taking charge and leading the way in developing innovative solutions and deploying them in real-world applications to tackle the challenges in safety and security at the local, regional, national and international levels.

We seek a diverse group of experts from academia, industry, and government to share their perspectives and experiences. We encourage experts from different fields including Project Management, Quality Management and Human Systems Integration to  share their experience and stories. We invite you to join us for a thought-provoking and inspiring event!

Register to meet like-minded folks who are applying systems engineering to their operations today!





Building a more secure world through Systems Engineering!




Keynote Speakers

Keynote addresses start each morning with a high-level discussion from industry leaders.


Friday, September 20, 2024: Michael Watson, INCOSE President-Elect

Michael D. Watson is the INCOSE President-Elect and the Systems Engineering Director for the Leidos Defense Systems Sector. He is responsible for the application and execution of systems engineering across the Defense Systems Sector. He is focused on the advancement of systems engineering and the realization of more complex systems through the application of systems engineering. He previously served as the Systems Engineering and Integration (SE&I) Branch Manager in the Leidos Dynetics Space Division. He served as the Lead Systems Engineer (LSE) for the Leidos Dynetics Human Landing System and served as LSE or advisor for other defense projects. He previously served as INCOSE Chair of the Complex Systems Working Group.

Dr. Watson graduated with a BSEE from the University of Kentucky in 1987. He obtained his MSE in Electrical and Computer Engineering (1996) and his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2005) from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. His Thesis and Dissertation focused on electro optic theory and experimental results.

Dr. Watson retired from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) as the Advanced Concepts Office Technical Advisor responsible for systems level assessments. He led the NASA Systems Engineering Research Consortium defining advanced systems engineering approaches and basis and served as the NASA Systems Engineering Technical Discipline Team Research and Technology lead. His work included definition of integrated system physics modeling and analysis of launch vehicles, Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS), aircraft, and lunar surface power systems. He led the development of systems engineering principles indicating the engineering, mathematical, and social basis of systems engineering. He chaired the INCOSE Systems Engineering Principles Action Team that updated the systems engineering principles and released them as an INCOSE publication in August 2022. He also served as the Joint Army Navy NASA Air Force (JANNAF) Modeling and Simulation Subcommittee (MSS) chair from 2014 to 2022. He has served as the Space Launch System (SLS) Lead Discipline Engineer for Operations Engineering. He served as Chief of the Integrated Systems Health Management (ISHM) and Sensors Branch and led a NASA team defining Vehicle Management System capabilities for human missions to Mars. His branch work included the definition of ISHM capabilities for the Ares family of launch vehicles. Prior to this, he served as Chief of the Optics Branch responsible for the fabrication of large x-ray telescope mirrors, diffractive optics, and telescope systems. He started his career with NASA developing International Space Station (ISS) operations capabilities. He also worked to develop remote operations support capabilities for the Spacelab Program in Europe, Japan, and the United States.


Friday, September 20, 2024: James Owen, Associate Laboratory Director, Weapons Engineering for Los Alamos National Laboratory

James has worked in LANL’s Nuclear Weapons Program for more than 25 years and is a recognized leader across the Nuclear Security Enterprise (NSE).

He has demonstrated technical and program leadership abilities in successfully executing some of NNSA and DoD’s most significant and challenging nuclear weapon programs, including the B61 Alt 357, W80 LEP, W76-1/Mk4A LEP, B61-12 LEP, W88 Alt 370 and W88 Alt 940.

In his current role as Associate Director for Weapons Engineering and Experiments, James manages the operations and infrastructure of High Explosives (HE) science and engineering research/development across 21 square miles, which are critical to LANL’s execution of nuclear weapons mission.

A native of northern New Mexico, James began working at LANL as a high school summer student and participated in the Graduate Research Assistant program before becoming a full-time staff member.

James earned a M.S. in Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from New Mexico State University.


Saturday, September 21, 2024: Mark Myshatyn, Enterprise Artificial Intelligence (AI) Architect of the National Security AI Office, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Mark's career includes over a decade of cyber security, cloud, applied AI, and compliance experience at DOE, Amazon Web Services, and Boeing Defense. In prior roles, he was the Product Owner for the LANL AWS Cloud Services team, Senior Solutions Architect for the US Army Amazon Web Services team, and the lead system security engineer for LANL Sensitive and Special Operations team. 


Saturday, September 21, 2024: David Stracuzzi, Machine Intelligence and Visualization Department Manager, Sandia National Laboratories 

Abstract: For the past five years, Sandia National Laboratories has been conducting a focused research effort on Trusted AI for national security problems. The goal is to develop the fundamental insights required to use AI methods in high-consequence national security applications while also improving the practical deployment of AI. This talk takes a look from a systems perspective at the effort to develop a certification process for AI-based solutions. Along the way, we will touch on a few recent and ongoing research projects, including how they contribute to the larger goals of Trusted AI.  The talk concludes with a forward-looking discussion of remaining research gaps.

Bio: Dr. David Stracuzzi manages the Machine Intelligence and Visualization Department at Sandia National Laboratories and has been studying machine learning in the broader context of artificial intelligence for 20 years.  His research focuses on applying machine learning methods to a wide variety of domains with an emphasis on estimating the uncertainty in model predictions to support decision making.  Dr. Stracuzzi also leads the Trusted AI Strategic Initiative at Sandia, which seeks to develop fundamental insights into both AI algorithms and how people use them in national security contexts.

Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.


Conference Overview 

Click here to see the WSRC 2024 preliminary technical program
Seventh Annual Western States Regional Conference

Building a more secure world through systems engineering

Systems Engineering plays an even more crucial role in the challenges presented by a tightly integrated, information-rich and politically-charged world. This year we recognize the importance of taking charge and leading the way in developing innovative solutions and deploying them in real-world applications to tackle the challenges in safety and security at the local, regional, national and international levels.

In this 3-day conference, hear from a diverse group of experts from academia, industry, and government from diverse fields including Project Management, Quality Management and Human Systems Integration who will share their perspectives and experiences. We invite you to join us for a thought-provoking and inspiring event!

Our presenters (talks, tutorials and posters) will showcase how they are leading the charge in their respective fields in product development, from enablers including process, analytical and transformational, to application domains. We will explore the latest developments and cutting-edge approaches that are shaping the future of Systems Engineering.

 We look forward to seeing you at WSRC!

Agenda topics include: 

Digital Transformation

Critical Infrastructure


Cross-Domain Solutions

Information Communications Technology (ICT)

Cyber Security

Systems Reliability & Resiliency

Systems Engineering/Education


Systems Engineering & Agile

SE in Early-Stage Research and Development

Prototyping and deployment

Human Systems Integration

Artificial Intelligence (AI) opportunities and risks

Machine Learning models and uses in SE

Operational Technology (OT)

Case studies (experience of success and failure)

Energy management

Clean energy

System of Systems

Safety management



Abstract Submission Due: 7 May 2024

Notification of Acceptance: 4 June 2024

Presenter Confirmation of Attendance (email to [email protected]): 18 June 2024

IP Release Submitted to EasyChair: 1 July 2024

Presenter Conference Registration: early bird registration extended to 15 Aug 2024 (see your latest email from [email protected] which contains the "coupon code" to obtain a registration discount)

Final Presentation Due: 10 August 2024

Final Presentation and Optional Paper Submitted to EasyChair: 2 Sept 2024


Presentations and tutorials when submitted will use this template and were evaluated using the criteria contained in this evaluation template.

Submit IP Release, Presentation and Optional Paper with EasyChair

Instructions for IP Release creation and upload

Instructions for Presentation upload



Presentations provide the opportunity for practitioners to share their work, novel approaches, or interesting problems addressed without writing a formal paper. Presentations will be addressing challenges in the key domains and emphasis areas above. Sessions are 40 minutes: 30 minutes for presentation with 10 minutes for Q&A.

Presentations must not be used for the promotion of any commercial product or interest, and further must not promote or voice an opinion on political or religious matters. Presentations must be original work that has not previously been presented to INCOSE (if it has been previously presented elsewhere, this should be noted). Joint authors must nominate a single point of contact. Presentations must use the presentation template (available in the downloads section of the WSRC 2024 webpage); if not used, the presentation may be rejected without review. Presentation submissions were evaluated using the Evaluation Criteria contained in the Reviewer Evaluation Workbook template. Please note that accepted presentations will be posted on the INCOSE Paper and Presentation Library but are not included in the Proceedings of the Symposium nor in the Wiley Online Proceedings Library. The link will be provided to registered participants.


Call for Student Posters

Students in all phases of education are encouraged to submit a student poster presentation at WSRC 2024. We expect a range of undergraduate, masters, and doctoral level submissions.
The student poster submission must include (in English):

• Poster Title
• Author(s)’ name, affiliation, contact information
• A short abstract that clearly identify the main points of the poster

Poster information must be submitted through EasyChair and use the poster template (available in the downloads section of the WSRC 2024 webpage).
Posters will be peer reviewed for topic relevance and technical soundness. Accepted posters are expected to be printed and presented in person by the authors. 



Tutorials for the following types of classroom instruction were considered:

  • Professional Development Tutorial: intended for both practicing systems engineers who want to expand their systems engineering skills and seasoned professionals who are new to INCOSE concepts of systems engineering. It is important not only to instill in the tutorial participants a new skill, but also to make it clear how that skill can add real value to the participants' enterprise.
  • Advanced Technology Tutorial: intended for practicing systems engineers. This introduces new technologies with potential to add real value to systems engineering practice although that potential has not yet been demonstrated.
  • Best Practices Implementation: intended for practicing systems engineers who are interested in understanding how to apply systems engineering best practices with a domain-specific emphasis.

The proposal must not contain a sales presentation for the presenter or the presenter's company, and shall not contain proprietary data. One tutorial presenter will be eligible for a discounted event registration rate. No other compensation will be provided to the presenter. Evaluation Criteria used for evaluating tutorials is contained in the Reviewer Evaluation Workbook template. Tutorials must use the presentation template (available in the downloads section of the WSRC 2024 webpage).


Registration is now open!

An INCOSE account is required to register; here's instructions on creating a free non-member account


Building a more secure world through systems engineering


Student Early Bird*     Regular  Virtual Early
INCOSE Member $50  $350 $450  $350  $350 
Non-Member*  $75  $450 $550 $450  $450 
Senior Member    $300 $350  $300 $300 

- Banquet: $50
- Nuclear Museum Tour: $15

- SEP Exam: $30

Early Bird registration closes on August 1 for general registration
* Early Bird registration closes on August 15 for speakers

      *Including CAB associates

Registration is now open!

 Note: Refunds are available up through Sept. 8, 2024 minus a $50 cancellation fee.

What’s Included

In-Person Participation

Includes access to all technical sessions, tutorials, admission to exhibits, lunches & breaks, receptions, and recordings during the event and for four weeks after the event. Recordings of all sessions will be made available to conference participants after the event.

Registration Process

  1. Early Bird registration will close on August 1; we encourage everyone to register early.
  2. We offer exceptional tutorials and open registration for each. All the tutorials are designed for in-person attendance; however, a link for a virtual-registrants will be provided. The organizing committee and tutors can’t guarantee equivalency to an in-person experience.
  3. We will offer the INCOSE SEP exam during the WSRC to all. Please use the same link below to register (selecting just the exam or full registrations with the exam option).
  • We offer tours to our conference participants and guests on September 18. You will select the tours you would like during the registration process.  
  • Tutorials will be conducted on September 19.
  • General schedule September 19-20:
    • 0700-0800: Breakfast
    • 0800-~1700: Technical program, 1 hour lunch and morning/afternoon breaks
  • General schedule September 21:
    • 0700-0800: Breakfast
    • 0800-1500: Technical program, 1.5 hour lunch and morning break
  • IMPORTANT: Registration for all tours will close on August 15.  

Virtual Participation

Includes access to the virtual technical program. Broadcasted sessions will be available live, with recordings available through the platform during the event and for four weeks after the event. Recordings of all sessions will be made available through the INCOSE website within 60 days post event.

Please contact [email protected] for any questions.

Hotel Recommendations

There are a number of hotels close to the Central New Mexico Workforce Training Center. See the Venue - Lodging - Transportation information on this website.



Take your INCOSE System Engineering Professional (SEP) Certification PAPER EXAM AT WSRC!!!

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 - 0900-1100 (check in at 0845, additional 30 minutes as authorized by INCOSE)

Test your knowledge and get certified!

Only $30 (conference registration not required)

SEP Exam Registration at the Conference registration site above.







Patron and Professional Society


For-Profit and Non-Profit

Colorado State University, Department of Systems Engineering

Western States Chapters


Contact [email protected] to join our sponsor Mailing List!


Register for Tours (ordered by start time)

Sandia Peak Tramway "Inner Workings" – Group 1

Date: September 18, 2024
Time: 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Tour Capacity: 12
Name of Group: INCOSE Western States Regional Conference (WSRC)
Tour Cost: free 
Location: Sandia Peak Tramway, 30 Tramway Road NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122 
Description:  The Sandia Peak Tramway is an aerial tramway that extends from the northeast corner of Albuquerque to the top of Sandia Peak (at over 10,600 feet in altitude). It is the longest aerial tramway in the Americas, and has the world’s third longest single span. Are you curious about how the Sandia Peak Tramway operates?  Learn about the “Inner Workings” of the Sandia Peak Tram from a knowledgeable guide during this tour of the Sandia Tram Lower Terminal.  Earlier this year the Tram updated and upgraded their drive and control system. The former system had been in place since 1966.  The new system is modernized, automated, and more energy-efficient. This tour does not include a ticket to ride the Tram. The Tram is located at 30 Tramway Road NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122. More information will be sent to participants who register for the tour. For information about the Tram visit the Tram’s website.

Nature Walk to the Rio Grande

Date: September 18, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Tour Capacity: 24
Name of Group: INCOSE Western States Regional Conference (WSRC)
Tour Cost: free
Other Information: Park Day-Use Fee: $3.00 per vehicle (paid upon arrival at the park)
Location: Rio Grande Nature Center State Park (RGNCSP), 2901 Candelaria Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107
Description: Enjoy a leisurely exploration of the Middle Rio Grande Bosque ecosystem with one of the Rio Grande Nature Center State Park’s volunteer naturalists.  Search for signs of animal life and discover how the Bosque and the Rio Grande provide habitat.  The walk is about 1 1/2 hours long; the mostly flat, sandy trail is just under 1 mile. Park staff recommend that you wear a hat and sunscreen, and bring along a bottle of water.  The Park is located at 2901 Candelaria Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107. More information, including instructions on how to pay the Park’s $3.00 per vehicle Day-Use fee, will be sent to participants who register for the tour. For more information about the park visit the Park’s website.

Sandia Peak Tramway "Inner Workings" – Group 2

Date: September 18, 2024
Time: 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM
Tour Capacity: 12
Name of Group: INCOSE Western States Regional Conference (WSRC)
Tour Cost: free
Location: Sandia Peak Tramway, 30 Tramway Road NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122
Description:  The Sandia Peak Tramway is an aerial tramway that extends from the northeast corner of Albuquerque to the top of Sandia Peak (at over 10,600 feet in altitude). It is the longest aerial tramway in the Americas, and has the world’s third longest single span. Are you curious about how the Sandia Peak Tramway operates?  Learn about the “Inner Workings” of the Sandia Peak Tram from a knowledgeable guide during this tour of the Sandia Tram Lower Terminal.  Earlier this year the Tram updated and upgraded their drive and control system. The former system had been in place since 1966.  The new system is modernized, automated, and more energy-efficient. This tour does not include a ticket to ride the Tram. The Tram is located at 30 Tramway Road NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122. More information will be sent to participants who register for the tour. For information about the Tram visit the Tram’s website.

National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Date: September 18, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Tour Capacity: 60
Name of Group: INCOSE Western States Regional Conference (WSRC)
Tour Cost: $15.00 per person; maximum of 2 tickets may be purchased
Other information: Tour fee is collected when participant registers for the tour
Location: National Museum of Nuclear Science & History, 601 Eubank Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123
Description: This Docent-led tour gives visitors a general overview of the Museum's exhibits. The Docent will provide a brief history of the Manhattan Project and the Trinity Test, guide participants through the Museum's Heritage Park, where the airplanes are on display, and discuss the peaceful applications of nuclear science, including nuclear power and medicine. The Museum is located at 601 Eubank Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123. More information will be sent to participants who register for the tour. For more information about the Museum visit the Museum’s website.

Register for Social Events

WSRC Welcome Reception

Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024 
Time: 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Location: Gruet Winery and Tasting Room, 8400 Pan American Freeway N, Albuquerque, NM 87113
Other Information: Each attendee will receive 1 ticket good for 1 glass of wine
Description: Did you know that New Mexico is the state with the longest winemaking tradition in the country? It started in 1629 when the Spanish coming into New Mexico smuggled in vines from Spain to plant their own vineyards. In 1984 Gilbert Gruet founded the New Mexico-based Gruet Winery which produces Pinot Noir and Chardonnay-based sparkling wines and a small collection of still wines. Gruet Winery has achieved unprecedented acclaim and remains a favorite of the nation’s top sommeliers. Come join us to partake in their excellent quality wines and charcuterie board consisting of cheese, meats, vegetables, breads, nuts, fruits, and olives.

WSRC Banquet

Date: Friday, September 20, 2024
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Banquet Cost: $50.00 per person; maximum of 2 tickets may be purchased
Other Information: Each attendee will receive 2 tickets good for 1 Margarita, 1 glass of wine, or 2 beers
Location: Sadie's on Fourth, 6230 4th Street NW, Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, NM 87107 
Description: Family-owned Sadie’s, located in Albuquerque’s North Valley, has been serving up authentic New Mexican food for over 70 years.  The banquet will be held on the patio and feature a traditional New Mexican buffet. As well as entertainment provided by a harp/guitar duo.  The menu will consist of tacos, enchiladas, tamales, posole, pinto beans, Spanish rice, salsa and chips, red and green chile, sopapillas, calabacitas (squash), and biscochitos (New Mexico’s state cookie).  Vegetarian and gluten-free options will be included.


Venue - Lodging - Transportation


The Central New Mexico Workforce Training Center is the venue for the WSRC 2024. It is located on the north side of Albuquerque, with easy access to I-25 and hotels.


  • Rental cars: The Sunport Rental Car Center is located at 3400 University SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 close to the Albuquerque International Sunport airport. Free car rental shuttles operate 24/7 every 10 minutes between the airport terminal and the Car Rental Center. The shuttle buses are handicapped-accessible.
  • Rideshare services: Uber and Lyft rideshare services are available in the Albuquerque metro area.
  • •Taxi cab services: A number of taxi cab companies are available in the Albuquerque metro area.


Hotels in close proximity to the Central New Mexico Workforce Training Center include:

  • Holiday Inn Express and Suites, 5401 Alameda Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 87113, 505-797-2291 (gov’t rate available with ID)
  • Quality Inn and Suites, 5601 Alameda Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113, 505-858-1300 (gov’t rate available with ID)
  • SpringHill Suites by Marriott, 5901 Holly Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113, 505-856-5910 (gov’t rate available with ID)
  • Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North, 5151 San Francisco Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109, 505-821-3333 (gov’t rate available with ID)

WSRC 2024 Committee Contacts

Please reach out to the following WSRC committee members for information and action:

Role Regional Location  Person (click to email)
Conference Chair  New Mexico Jose Parga 
Conference Co-Chair Seattle Metro
Kyle Zienin
Technical Program Chair New Mexico Cheryl Bolstad
Technical Program Co-Chair New Mexico  Ann Hodges
Sponsorship & Exhibits  Seattle, WA Paul Kostek
Sponsorship & Exhibits  Utah Paul White
Website  New Mexico
Ann Hodges
Website Support Colorado Jim Adams


Technical Program

DescriptionTypeDownload Link

WSRC 2024 General IP Form


WSRC 2024 Government IP Form


WSRC 2024 presentation or tutorial template


WSRC 2024 poster template


WSRC 2024 presentation and tutorial evaluation template

WSRC 2024 paper templatedocxdownload


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