Welcome To The Enchantment Chapter

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Enchantment Chapter: New Mexico & El Paso, TX

Chapter meetings

Date: 2nd Wednesday of each month
Time: 4:45-6:00 pm MT
Location: Electronically via Zoom

To register, email the contact for the event

PMIRGC Partnership

Our Chapter partners with the Project Management Institute Rio Grande Chapter (PMIRGC). As an INCOSE Enchantment Chapter member, you may attend PMIRGC events for their member price. Visit the PMIRGC website for event information. 

Socorro Systems Summit
The Socorro System Summit is co-sponsored by the INCOSE Enchantment Chapter and the New Mexico Tech Electrical Engineering Department. The annual event is a collaborative exchange on open issues, and includes workshops, speakers, and professional development.

Connect With Us

Connect to your community of practice. Mix with people who have the same professional interests as you do, but with a diversity of perspective beyond daily workmates. It comes in handy when you need help or answers to questions outside your accumulated experience, need a connection at another organization, or simply want some mind stretching thought.

Meeting announcements, event notices, and Zoom links routinely go to all INCOSE members within the Chapter’s geographic territory; as well as to names on an information list open to one and all. Sign up for the Chapter Info List by contacting us at [email protected] 

Collaborating Chapters

Texas Gulf Coast


Colorado Front Range

Southern Arizona

Chapter Events

The DOE Phase X and 6.X Processes vs. the System Engineering V Process

Ann Hodges
[email protected]

Abstract: The DOE used the Phase X development process to develop new weapon systems up until the early 90’s when it stopped designing new systems. Up until recently they used a modified version of the Phase X process to complete Life Extension Programs called the Phase 6.X process. With the recent return to the Phase X process there are some interesting differences and similarities to the US System Engineering V Model. This talk will describe the two DOE processes and then show the differences and similarities to the US system Engineering V Model.

Speaker: Chris Scully is the Group Leader for the Advanced System Development Group in the Stockpile Modernization Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) which leads future weapons systems from a program and system engineering perspective.  Chris has worked at Los Alamos for 27 years after earning his BSME and MSME from New Mexico State University.  He has had a number of roles both in a technical and management capacity during that tenure all related to the weapons program.  These including Models Based Engineering and Manufacturing, Product Lifecycle Management, Test Engineering, and System Engineering.  Throughout his time in the weapons program, he has been involved with all of the Life Extension Programs (LEP’s) LANL has executed utilizing the NNSA’s Phase 6.X  seven phase process.  In his current role, Chris oversaw the execution of the first Phase 1 weapons program since the late 1980’s using an updated version of the Phase X development process.

Meeting Materials


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