North Texas Chapter

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Welcome to the North Texas Chapter

The North Texas Chapter of INCOSE (International Council of System Engineering) is centered in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of North Texas and is open to those interested or practicing systems engineering.  

Contact us at [email protected]


Promote, educate, and mentor on Systems Engineering standards and practices to strengthen the North Texas Systems Engineering industry.


Serve as a professional organization that is the regional focal point for Systems Engineering resources, development, and awareness, in order to create a better world.

Chapter Meetings

Call for Ambassadors

The chapter is looking for people willing to host chapter meetings at remote sites. If you are interested contact the Vice President of Chapter Development, [email protected]

Program meetings typically 2nd Tuesday of month
Time: 6:00-7:00 CST
Networking at 5:30

Physical Locations

*Bell Helicopter
*L-3Harris - Greenville
*Lockheed Martin Aero- Fort Worth
*Lockheed Martin MFC- Grand Prairie
*Raytheon- McKinney

Remote Program Access
Teams (Video/Audio) - Click here to join the meeting.
Contact INCOSE North Texas Chapter [email protected] to be added to our meeting emails.
The meetings are not recorded. Presentations are posted in the library and resources during the following weekend if we receive the presentation.

Board meetings typically 1st Tuesday of month
Time: 5:30-7:00 CST

Visit our 

Library & Resources 

for past newsletters and information/presentations from past meetings.

Chapter Events

Join us for our 10 Sept 2024 Chapter meeting featuring:

Main Presentation: "The Future of INCOSE", by Steve Records, Executive Director of INCOSE.

About: This is a fantastic opportunity to gain insights from the INCOSE Executive Director on what is in store for the Future of INCOSE!

Use the Teams link above to join the meeting.

Upcoming INCOSE Events

INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting - The Vision Statement: Step 1 for a Project, Though Oft’ Overlooked, Jorg Largent

El Segundo , USA
200 North Aviation Blvd, Bldg D8, Rm 1010
Deborah Cannon (714-477-3755)

Register here!

ABSTRACT: Many keynote speakers, forums, and papers have addressed the challenges facing the systems engineering profession – challenges brought on by the explosion in computer and internet capabilities and in the speed with which data can be transmitted, unchecked.  Our profession has responded with new concepts, such as System of Systems, and with new tools and methodologies, such as MBSE and Agile.  This presentation addresses one aspect of the challenge, that aspect being using a vision statement as a tool to facilitate the proper initiation of a project in a manner to help ensure quality management.  The “vision,” statement is the proverbial plumb line or first furrow.  Once a part of the discipline (NCOSE and Caltech, circa 1994), the subject is not explicitly addressed in the current Systems Engineering Handbook.  The intent of this presentation is to review the value of such statements and to review their attributes, to cite examples, good and bad, and to consider how the changes in technology in the last 20 years might change them.

 Jorg Largent’s career spans 55 years and ranges from the enlisted ranks of the United States military to Lead Systems Engineer on the B-2.  In between he matriculated at the Georgia Institute of Technology.  After completing his formal training, he worked in orbital mechanics on the Apollo Program.  At the close of the Apollo program Jorg became a Flight Test Engineer, primarily on the CH-46E, the B-1A and the B-2.  After he left Flight Test he moved on to liaison engineering and then to systems engineering on the B-2 program and special projects.  After Jorg retired from Northrop Grumman, he dabbled in railroading and worked as a conductor on the Sierra Railroad.  He has also mentored high school students, served as a judge at the California State Science Fair, has spoken on systems engineering, and has became active in INCOSE working groups, including Transportation, Very Small Entity, and Systems Engineering Quality Management.  He has been particularly busy as a writer for and the Editor of the INCOSE-LA Newsletter.  At the 2016 International Symposium Jorg was given an award for his contributions to and for his furtherance of systems engineering.

Chapter News

The North Texas Chapter is excited to Sponsor the SEP Exam at the 2024 MBSE Cyber Systems Symposium. See the event link above for more information.

North Texas Chapter has received the INCOSE GOLD Circle award for 2023 and the Most Improved Performance in One Year Award 2023!

The Gold Circle Award recognizes the chapter for reaching the highest goals and standards established by our organization. Additionally, the chapter is awarded the Director’s Award as the Most Improved Chapter in 2023.

For many, chapters provide the primary day-to-day interface with INCOSE. Chapters organize technical and social programs, communicate key information about our organization and discipline, support technical activities, and enhance the member experience by facilitating an open, inviting environment where members receive valued products and services that enhance their careers. In fulfilling this mission, the chapter leaders and members have committed significant time and energy to further the goals of our organization.

Find out more by visiting the NORTH TEXAS ENGAGE community today!

Viva Engage is INCOSE's social media platform for members. Use your INCOSE-issued Microsoft credential to login and join the conversation. INCOSE credentials are in the form of [email protected] or [email protected].   

Contact Us