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Trainer perspective on the SEP Certification: Ömer Ertekin, ESEP

Sep 29, 2022
Mrunmayi Joshi
Here is an interview with Ömer Ertekin of PSCONSULTECH which talks about his experience and perspective as a trainer on the SEP Certification. Happy SEPtember!

Omer Ertekin

 This interview was done in 2022.

Q1. What is your current role/position?

» I am a consultant and a trainer at PSCONSULTECH.

Q2. What is one of your proudest professional achievements?

» I am the founder of Turkish Chapter INCOSE. I am a true believer of systems engineering and I am persistently promoting systems engineering (almost 30 years) in Turkey. We finally reached to a break even point in 2020-2021 and now has reached almost 100 certified systems engineer in Turkey and Systems Engineering is widely recognized in high tech industries, this is my proudest professional achievement. 

Q3. What skills do you think a systems engineer best learns through training?
» Systems Engineering Processes and Methods employed for the processes are skills that a systems engineer best learns through trainings.

Q4. What guidance/training do you provide students regarding systems engineering and SEP certification?
» Following are the training/guidance that I provide:
1. A reading list
2. Applying the methodology using an example and active coaching during the sample project tasks
3. Six different study documents including sample questions and flash cards
4. Mentoring via phone and email

Q5. What motivated you to provide these trainings?
» My motivation to provide these trainings is creating a knowledgeable systems engineering community in Turkey and to disseminate systems engineering through having powerful SEPs within companies who can advocate and apply systems engineering based on the best practices.

Q6. What methods do you use to provide these trainings effectively?
» Following are the teaching methods that I use:
1. Tutoring the SE processes /methods theoretically
2. Giving real life examples on the topics
3. Encouraging /challenging participants to discuss
4. Daily quizzes

Q7. How do you continue to learn about Systems engineering? What developmental activities do you do?
» I continue to learn about Systems engineering by trying to read every publication with a possible extent, based on INCOSE announcements, and  social media mentions.

Q8. How can we reach out to you?
» You can reach me at : https://www.linkedin.com/in/omerertekin/

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