Certification Blog

Certification Overview

Sports as Systems Engineering Experience

Oct 14, 2022
Courtney Wright
The September issue of INSIGHT (INCOSE's Practitioner's Magazine) is focused on the unique abilities of systems engineers. The article "Why Mountain Bike Trails Try to Scare You Off" on page 63 explains how systems engineering can be used in atypical work activities, such as leading a group bike ride. This article may be of use to those who plan to document unusual work or volunteer experiences in their CSEP or ESEP applications.

INCOSE members have free access to INCOSE Insight at 

https://connect.incose.org/Library/InsightMagazine/Practitioners%20Magazine/Forms/AllItems.aspx Look for volume 25, issue 3. 

Non-members can access through Wiley at https://incose.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/inst.12401 
images of ASEP, CSEP, and ESEP badges
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