Certification Blog

Certification Overview

2022: The Year of the Student

Jan 14, 2022
Courtney Wright
INCOSE has a few special opportunities for students. Our next post will be about the most exciting one - Academic Equivalency - but this week we'll note other ways INCOSE helps students. 

1. Student membership - full-time or nearly-full-time students are eligible for a discounted rate on INCOSE membership. 
2. Student divisions - in addition to joining INCOSE chapters and working groups, university students may form their own clubs that have a special relationship with INCOSE.
3. Systems Engineering honor society, Sigma Theta Mu - here's a way to distinguish yourself if you know during your student days that you want to be a superstar systems engineer.
4. Student rates for event registration 
5. Take the INCOSE knowledge exam for free at your university or a chapter-hosted in-person exam.
7. CAB Associate access to INCOSE materials if your university is a part of the INCOSE Corporate Advisory Board's Academic Council
images of ASEP, CSEP, and ESEP badges
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