Welcome to The Canada Chapter

INCOSE Canada is a local chapter of the International Council of Systems Engineering. We are dedicated to building a vibrant community of practitioners by hosting talks of interest to the systems engineering community. Everyone is welcome to participate.

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Happy Hour Event: Sharing Experiences from INCOSE IS2024, 29 July 2024.

This is the seventh session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter.
Whether you attended in person, virtually, or couldn’t make the 34th Annual INCOSE International Symposium in Dublin, Ireland (July 2 – 6, 2024), we invite you to join this happy hour event.
Grab your favorite refreshment and snack, and let’s connect and share knowledge and experiences!


The INCOSE Canada Chapter​ Systems Engineering Student Challenge 2024

We are very excited to launch the inaugural INCOSE Canada Chapter Systems Engineering Student Challenge which will not only challenge students to apply Systems Engineering to their projects but also give practical experience on the benefits of Systems Engineering in their future careers.​

More information and application


Meet some of the Canadian presenter at the IS 2024:


A System Dynamics Model of Organizational Resilience

Authors: Ivan W. Taylor, Policy Dynamics Inc. - Niamat Ullah Ibne Hossain, Arkansas State University

Abstract. Resilience is the ability to avoid, withstand, and recover from adversity. In this paper, we examine organizational resilience using a case study of an organization that suffers from a series of scandals that lead to problems with its reputation as an inclusive organization, which results in difficulties in recruiting and retaining employees. We suggest some policies involving leadership efforts to change the culture in the organization and thereby restore its reputation. Based on the results of a System Dynamics Model that mixes quantitative and qualitative measures, we find that changing organizational culture is difficult. There can be inertia and long delays before the leadership sees results in improved recruiting and retention statistics.


Modeling Cybersecurity Operations to Improve Resilience

Authors: Ivan W. Taylor, Policy Dynamics Inc. - Keith D. Willett, Retired

Abstract. In this paper, we explore the concept of operational resilience of a network or system of computer systems, focusing on the processes of a cybersecurity team within the multi-disciplinary network security operations center. The computer system under examination has faced a cyber-attack that has reduced its capability. The organization's reputation is damaged temporarily but can be restored if the network security operations center can quickly restore the organization’s ability to produce desired results. After a cyber-attack, we examine the processes for restoring the system's capability to its original level. These processes will happen sequentially and require close coordination of the cybersecurity team members. We examine a balanced and adaptive assignment policy within the cybersecurity organization to the various processes, showing how these policies can impact the speed with which the system's capability can be restored. Our findings reveal that the adaptive assignment policy among the team members can increase the system restoration rate even though recovering the complete capability of the system may be the same.


Increasing the Success Rate of AI and ML Systems Deployment at the Enterprise Level- 10th June 2024

This is the sixth session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter, featuring speaker Mehran Irdmousa, a distinguished AI strategist and Enterprise Architect with a decade of experience in the research and development of cutting-edge AI solutions. His expertise lies in operationalizing complex systems from concept to deployment, boasting a 100% success rate.

Recording of the event


In-person meet-up in Vancouver Area - 9th May 2024

INCOSE Canada Chapter is hosting an in-person meet-up in Downtown Vancouver, BC:

  • At Tap & Barel - Convention Centre (Location)
  • on Thursday, May 9, 2024, 6 pm PST.
The purpose of this event is to provide the INCOSE Canada Chapter members in the Greater Vancouver Area an opportunity to meet-up, mingle with each other, and discuss various Systems Engineering topics.
Please email us at [email protected] to register.

Needs, Requirements, Verification, and Validation Management (NRVVM)- 29th April 2024

This is the fifth session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter, featuring speaker Lou Wheatcraft, senior consultant and managing member of Wheatland Consulting, LLC.

Recording of the event

The INCOSE Canada chapter is very proud to announce that we will be hosting the 35th Annual INCOSE International Symposium 2025 in in Ottawa. Contact us if you're interested in helping.



The INCOSE Canada chapter is participating to the IEEE SYSCON 2024 in Montreal. Come and visit us on our INCOSE booth. INCOSE members can participate at the same price as IEEE members. More information here.

Our last events

Leveraging AI in Systems Engineering - 11th Feb 2024

This is the fourth session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter, featuring speaker Somaiieh Yousefi, M.Sc.

Strategic Insights: INCOSE Canada's 2023 Retrospective and Vision for 2024 - 22 January 2024

This is the third session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter.

Practical Insights: Future Systems Engineering in Canada with Vision 2035 - 11th December 2023

This is the second session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter, featuring speaker Ivan Taylor, Ph. D.

The Importance of Stress, Strain, and Risk in Dealing with Resilience - 27th November 2023

This is the first session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter, featuring speaker John S. Brtis.

Overview of our 2022-20223 events

28 Nov 2022: "Cybersecurity Modeling and Simulation" by Ivan Taylor

09 Jan 2023: "Requirements Engineering for Software Engineering Projects" by Majd Karam

13 Feb 2023: "Generating a Robust System Architecture Using ARCADIA Capella" by Dr. Eric Dano

20 Mar 2023: "Conceptual models for Agent Based Modeling" by Terry Fitzgerald

11 Apr 2023: "MBSE in the Railway Industry" by Qifang Wang and Sergio Guindas Garcia

11 May 2023: "Cybersecurity Modeling in SPARX Enterprise Architect" by Bob Hruska
  slidesCastle Threat model - Threat Model Report

15 Jun 2023: "Cybersecurity by Design" by Bob Hruska and Christoph Schmittner

16 Oct 2023: - "How Big Things Get Done : A Book Review" by Ivan Taylor


Terry Fitzgerald

Terry Fitzgerald

Vice-President and President-Elect
Tony Wu
Tony Wu

Membership Director and Treasurer
Ivan Taylor
Ivan Taylor

Technical Program Director
Ivan Rodrigues

Communication Director
Arman Nikkhah

Pengzhou Lu


Past President
Ray Barton

Ray Barton

Stay tuned! Join the INCOSE Canada Chapter mailing list for events announcements and newsletters.

Contact us by email, on linkedIn  , or visit the CANADA YAMMER community today!

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