Technical Program Director
Ivan Rodrigues
Ivan Rodrigues (P.Eng., CSEP) has been a member of INCOSE since 1997 and
a CSEP since 2007. He has attended several INCOSE Annual International
Symposiums and previously served as a SEP assessor. He has fulfilled
various product development roles in the Defence, Global Navigation
Satellite System (GNSS), and Cellular Communications industries,
spanning the full V-model from use cases and requirements elicitation,
through requirements derivation and analysis, to systems level
architectural design, integration, and V&V. Further to his
Mechanical Engineering degree, Ivan has completed graduate studies in
Electrical Engineering as well as the MIT xPRO Architecture and Systems
Engineering certificate program. He is currently the Senior Manager of
Systems Engineering within Hexagon’s Autonomy & Positioning
Division, where he and his team have developed world-class, IATF 16949,
ISO/IEC 15288, ISO 26262 and ASPICE compliant SE processes, tools,
best-practices, and an effective SE community of practice (SECoP).